Some recent work
…and peeks at things in progress. Click through for my verbose captions on process and inspiration at the place all of us update more than our own sites: Instagram.
Some older things
Not yet ready for their own pages
Thread Coffee Roasters
This woman-owned coffee company was the first in the region to launch a canned product. Thread didn’t want to look like all the big guys whose cans seem to all be white, brown, and silver with cold sans serifs—they wanted to wake people up.
Thread is committed to responsible business practices and the can art reflects this ethos.
The farmers, fields, and fauna of the mountains where the beans originate live side by side with the roastery, cafes, and rowhomes of the Baltimore region.
Dynamic hand lettering drawn in the same brushy style sits over everything, but the colorful life of the coffee process shines through.
Another can in this series coming later in 2021!
Fenario Farms
This top shelf cannabis farm in Oregon takes their name from a mythical land that has lived in folk songs for centuries. The mark is inspired by folk art from the mid-Atlantic region, where the family running the farm have deep roots.